You never know, when you start considering a field, what it is going to turn up.
You can start with expectation, then God blows your mind.
We have a new Costa in the Village and I LOVE Costa so have decided to make it a haunt and a place of spiritual adventure. I have been 3 times now - aiming for once a week at least and each time asking God to meet folk there through me.
So today, I had a bible study meeting after lunch so decided to go to Costa to prepare it.
First thing happened as I was writing, I saw a couple of young women with their children come in and looking for a suitable table. At the time I was sitting at a 4-seater so offered them to sit there and I would move to a now-free 2-seater. Turned out one of the grateful gals was an old school friend of one of my daughters so it was nice to make the re-acquaintance.
Sitting at my new spot, a chap got up to leave but commented to me on his way out that it was lovely to see someone reading a bible.
One of the passages I had to look at was in
2Kings5 - the story of the servant girl and Naaman and one of my answers commented that I would probably not have had the courage of the servant girl to suggest God's healing for the King but would have chickened out of saying anything in case nothing happened.!
As I wrote that answer, I earwigged on the conversation of the lady next to me. She'd asked the barista a question about a picture on the wall. As he left, I asked her what his answer had been as I didn't hear it and was interested. Well, that started a chat between us. Her name was C.... and she was having a girlie day with her daughter who was starting school in September. During our chat, she mentioned that she'd used to go to the toddler group at St John's and also that she suffered from alopecia, tho I remarked that I would never have known that her hair was a wig! We had a very nice natter.
After, she was about to leave and my 'encounter' with Naaman and the servant girl was swimming around in my head...eek....drew breath, shot up a prayer and said to her that I went to St John's church and we prayed for healing for people - would she mind if I prayed a very quick prayer for her. She looked just slightly surprised but said yes, adding that she would probably cry. I replied that that was OK and prayed that God would bless her, let her know His love for her and heal her hair, that it would grow again. She DID cry but was OK. I mentioned that Church was on the High Street each fortnight praying for healings and invited her to come by and say hello any time.She reminded me of her name and checked mine as she waved goodbye and I just felt overcome by God's goodness. It brought tears to my eyes that He cared for her to bring her to that encounter. As I headed off to my bible study group, I felt elated. I felt it didn't matter in a way whether God healed her or not but that she had had an encounter with Him that had changed her day and I know He is faithful to continue that encounter with her in other ways.

Later that afternoon, on the way home, I saw a big bruiser of a guy at the bus stop. His face was almost wholly covered with a dark red haematoma. I have to confess, my initial thought was, 'No, Lord - you can't mean me to pray for that too!' I dived into a shop and pondered with prayer. Did I feel God was leading me to pray healing again? I can't say I got an absolute Yes but I felt reminded of something God said to me a few days previously about walking by faith, not by sight, knowing who He is, not focusing on outward circumstances.
I came out of the shop and started to walk over when I saw a lady I knew, standing next to the guy. That was my legitimate excuse to be there! We chatted for a short while when this guy suddenly asked her where her accent was from (she is Northern Irish) After she replied, I spoke to him.
'I hope you don't mind me asking but is that a haematoma on your face?'
'How did you know that?' he exclaimed. 'No-one has ever known that before!'
I explained that I was a nurse and that actually, I go to a church up the road and we pray for people to be healed. Would he mind if I prayed for God to heal him? He looked hesitant. I said I didn't mind him saying no but could I pray for him anyway and he agreed. His name was S.... As I prayed, keeping my eyes open as I do, he kept interrupting me with remarks so at the end, I knew I had prayed healing in there somewhere - ( even thinking I could see things change on his face, tho I am not absolutely sure) and the blessing of God's love for him.
Mary commented after that 'That was really nice' and he added that he sometimes got beaten and bullied because of it. I told him about Healing on the Streets every couple of weeks, tho he said he was moving away from the area soon. 'Well, I hope we'll see you again, S....' I added as I said goodbye.
I did turn round as I heard him saying again to Mary, 'No-one has ever known what this is on my face'
I thought I might see a clear face...but not yet!
Still, again I thought how God had blessed us all, there in the queue. It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been out. I don't have to feel able. I just have to be available!
I am reminded, as I write, about 'Looking for God in the gaps' [as of July 2014 this talk by vicar of St John's, Nigel DiCastiglione is temporarily unavailable whilst SJH are changing provider for their online sermons...Update March 2015 all Nigel's talks have been removed and the church has decided all talks since the 'change of provider' are not going to be re-loaded to the website]...knowing that each day, God walks with me and will use me if I am ready and willing. If I consider my field.