Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Grass is always greener...

Ahhhh - how many got caught out by the title of this? Hahaha. I am a bit of a gardener so I know the truth of the greener grass. Great quote. Great truth that has helped me often over the years.
But I was reminded of it these last days, partly when thinking over some 'fields' I am considering at the moment and also when coming across a quote that stopped me in my tracks, by John Piper - a great man of God

Completing my second week at the European School of Supernatural Life has been great and caused some thoughts I have been challenged by in the past to resurface for further thought.
It would be so easy to live a  nice, comfortable Christian life. Often I do. 
It's easy to love my long as they are nice to me, don't make life uncomfortable or ask me for things I don't want to give them such as time, possessions emotions and are my type of people.
It's easy to love and respect my long as he has done the same back to me and completed the list of things I left him to do.
Yes, God can have my money long as I have paid my tax, bills and other stuff first, just to be sure I have enough. 
The list can go on but so can the 'as long as's

A talk by Bill Johnson that I listened to earlier, added this quote to the challenge - 

'Some folk have protected their comfort zone with unbelief''


I can so often kid myself that I don't really need to obey this or that bit of God's word and have a great portfolio of excuses to support those assumptions. Actually, God still loves and values me whether I am all out for Him or not. I have no more or less favour with Him or love from Him if I sit at home all day and watch TV, maybe venturing out every now and them to church or to do some other 'christian duty'.  
But I don't want to get to the end of my life, standing before God, for Him to tell me I missed out on a bunch of adventures He had lined up for me.

The Arsenal/Tottenham match is on in the background at this moment ('someone' else is watching it) These guys are totally sold out for their game. Fully committed. Buzzed

I have had days like that with God. I want more. I want loads more. I want others to have more. If I take God at His word, I can. It's there in black and white! 
But I can easily chicken out because things are outside my comfort zone. 
'When Jesus says I will do even greater things than Him, did He mean EXACTLY that? I have made excuses to avoid fully believing it but actually, the faith adventure means I believe what it says! And there is more...So much more. I can take God at His word. Be a bold adventurer. 

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had the right idea in the book of Daniel...that God is able and will deliver - But even if He doesn't......Daniel 3:16-18

I want to water this field of faith and see the grass grow and if life feels wasted at the end, it won't be for want of trying. My comfort zone will be belief in God but we intend, He and I, that that comfort zone will keep growing out beyond its boundaries

Monday, 22 September 2014

Far from... but not yet

Now kids, technology is an amazing thing so.... hello to new readers and welcome to 'Momma's blog'
I hope you'll be inspired and encouraged.

Well, here it is as promised - what a summer!
Hub and I seemed to have been away all through it in various parts of the country.
Our summer was characterised, I would say by this fabulous quote - oh come on! You know me and quotes....

After the Harrogate conference (see below) we dropped in to Revival Fires in Dudley for a 3 day Healing Conference with a guy called Bill Prankard. Fabulous biblical teaching and encouragement from this tireless man who has seen God move in amazing ways. For me, knew I had already come far from...and was spurred on to believe for and expect the 'not yet...'.

Following this, we both went to a 3 day Worship School at All Nations Church in Leicester run by the wonderful worshipping whirlwind that is Dave Hadden. You can't help but love him. We met some fabulous people from all round the country, shared risks, grew in expectation of seeing God enjoy us and were thrilled by the time spent together. SO many highlights. It was a great, safe place to push our boundaries as far from...but not yet...!

I had a wee breather - not - helping out again with Prime Time at church. This is a 3 day (so many 3days) holiday club for the over 70s. Oh my gosh - though it always leaves you tired, it is the best sort of pour out fun, service and love on a group of over 40 elderly folk.

And almost finally - I fitted in a 4(!!) day visit to my Manchester girlie before heading off with friends to David's Tent, a 3 (phew!!) day non-stop worship event. Oh my goodness - what an elating experience that was. I opted to camp (one reason why Hub didn't accompany me) though, whilst generously being offered a pod in a friend's tent, I didn't sleep much as the worship was literally non-stop...for 72 a BIG tent. If I grabbed 15 hours of sleep, that was it. Here is a flyer...

I confess, I had thought the big name guys would be a bit full of themselves. I repent of that thought ever entering my head. The heart of God flowed out in abundance from these guys. They led you to know God's love for you, for your community and for the world. Awesome is a word so oft used now it has somewhat lost it's meaning but they WERE awesome. GOD is mega-awesome and the world shifted in those hours of worship.
On one day, I went along to one of the stands, curious to know what God might say to me (or indeed, if He would say anything) through a prophetic drawing. I picked my artist because, not only was her name the same as one of my girlies, but it was spelt the same unusual way. We rested a minute or two whilst she asked the Holy Spirit to speak...then drew...then spoke. How exciting! Part of what she shared spoke of sailing into uncharted waters but not into a sunset but a sunrise which, at my age now, is exhilerating on the one hand but has the 'Eek' factor to it. I am so aware that I am far from... but here was a beautiful lady, drawing before me and declaring my 'not yet....' Scary?

However, one of the songs that impacted me over the next day had the words...

It's only in trusting in HIM, that I can navigate the waters, with Him at the tiller. So I say, 'Spirit, lead me...'

And now, a new chapter has begun.
I embarked this week on my adventure at the European School of Supernatural Life which takes place at the North Kent Community Church where I have joined with 28 other explorers, eager to put ourselves in the way of whatever God wants to get up in in us and through us. For the next year, I will be heading there most Thursdays and Fridays with a couple of weekend mission trips thrown in. More on this in later posts but for now, a mixture of excitement and bewilderment would characterize emotions of the first two days. 

I have just managed to complete my first assignment - to write my own Psalm of praise and thanksgiving inspired by Ephesians 1:3-14
Have a read...

How blessed I am!
My Saviour's Daddy is my Daddy too!
I can't say enough about Him. You're amazing, Daddy.
You have utterly exhausted the pick of Heaven's blessings You could choose, no limit, and have piled them up ready to shower over my life.
Before You even breathed Your creative breath, You held a thought.
It was me.
In Jesus.
In me.
'Hey you!' You said. 'Get ready. I have an adventure for you!'
You bit your lip, smiling, hugging Yourself with excited expectation, waiting for me to be born because You knew I'd be Yours. Your girlie.
Didn't You punch the air when I took Jesus' hand to come to You?
How can I do anything but shout and share this amazing kindness given to me without strings attached, brought by Jesus?
I'd wondered how I could live up to that holy child You saw.
How could I stand before You without lowering my head in shame?
But You already had the answer.
You'd already prepared the gifts.
The shower was released.
I was drenched in forgiveness, cleansed by Your love, blessed by Your goodness and it doesn't stop.
No half measures.
The adventure is on.
I am ready - You knew I would be.
You clothe me in Jesus.
You adorn me with the message of salvation. 
You hallmark me with the precious Holy Spirit. 
My prize is to be Your prize and having held me up to shine You right into the world, You will keep me forever.