Strange title to this post you may think. Me too!!
It speaks to me of the unusual - the unexpected - even the totally unexpected.
That said, I am kind of expecting the unexpected but as yet, am unaware of what form that may take or when it will appear...I guess that qualifies 'it' as the unexpected!
And why am I expecting it?
Well...sometimes, I do think God gives you a sneaky heads up when He is up to something - the trick is, am I alert?
These last few weeks at ESSL - third week just over - I have caught myself suddenly feeling tearful for no apparent reason. It will just bubble up out of nowhere or for a reason that seems too unemotional to elicit such a response. A couple of times, I have felt like actually leaving the room to have a blub!
This week, I asked God what it was all about. I had a sense of some deep yearning welling up inside me and I know it sounds stupid, but it was like I needed someone to put their arm right down my throat, grab my insides and pull me inside out! So oooooohhh! Waiting to see what the result will be!
I came across this quote this week...
'If you are walking with Jesus in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. no believer has gone as far as God wants him to go'
And just now, Mike Bickle has posted this on his Facebook Page...
In eternity, when we see how much Jesus really does love us, then we will wish we had loved and trusted Him more!
I am sure this is true. I have been spending time growing in knowing the deep, deep love that the Father has for me. It is changing me as my realisation of it grows; as my heart draws near to His. SO...following on from last post about watering the grass, after this week, I am anticipating that maybe my field will need a degree of ploughing and reseeding, at least in patches (not too much, Lord, please!! But Your will be done not mine) and over some time. Whilst it is a bit scary, I am up for it. I don't want any less than the 'Always More' that Jesus has for me.
It's been exciting through School to re-read Bill Johnson's book, 'When Heaven Invades Earth'.
When I first read it nearly four years ago, I could hardly believe that God could be at work in and through me and my life in the ways that Bill Johnson wrote about. I pencilled all over the pages - exclamations of, 'Is this true?... Is this in the Bible?...REALLY???? and added comments that ranged from totally sceptical to hopeful because it sounded exciting but too good to be true, this life of miracles; this depth of encounter with God. Now I have read it again, I am amazed at how much I have learned - not from reading the book but from experience of God working in my life, stepping out in faith and carefully looking at what the scriptures ACTUALLY say.
Wendy Backlund said of Jesus, 'When we begin to think like He does, we will be able to do as He does.'
In one way, this sounds outrageous until you see it backed up by Jesus Himself in John 14:12
I am in Him and He is in me...He says so.
No time is wasted time when, like Mary, I sit at Jesus' feet, in His presence. I grow in love for Him. I experience afresh of His love for me. I believe what He says because I learn deeper trust.
I have recently enjoyed times of just being quiet in His presence, lying peacefully - soaking - and listening to music and/or watching videos of creation. This song from Kimberly Rivera, has both. Watching full screen leaves me in awe of the creative power and freedom of my loving, mighty Father
The outworking of the changes and growth vary. How they look and feel will be different from each other - sometimes like grass growing, sometimes like being ploughed up and sometimes like it being cloudy with a chance of meatballs. But if Jesus says, 'Come on in.' then I wanna go!