Saturday, 29 November 2014

The meatballs have landed

For those of you who wonder what that title is about, you need to refer to my previous title and post.

It's almost two month's since I last wrote and I really need to keep up with it as so much is happening in life right now. I am going to try to catch up but in small chunks or I know I will get overwhelmed and not write anything! 
I returned home this evening from, I think, our 11th week of ESSL. One thing I have unusually appreciated, is that I leave home in the dark at 5am on a Thursday morning, having had the University Student group on a Wednesday night. (Late night this week) and return in the dark on a Friday evening.

I have loved having such a quiet time to myself and God. I pray, sing, listen to a bit of radio or talks on the cd player. I shout to the cars and places I pass,  proclaiming, 
'Jesus is Lord! Come to Jesus!' whenever the thought takes me. 
Just me and Daddy.

I  have a lot to think about too. Hubs and I came home last week from three weeks away in the States - visiting his sister and hubby but taking in a Leaders' Advance Conference in the middle at Bethel Church, Redding, California.
During that time the talks, the conversations, a prophetic appointment and a Sozo session all came together to land a few chunks of spiritual meat at our feet and started us on a journey, a process of chewing them over between ourselves and God. A decision we had made before leaving the UK seemed confirmed and other decisions we face gained clarity.
But it is currently 4am - I am not sure whether my random sleeping pattern is left over from transatlantic travel or just my thought processes trying to hurry me along! SO...I will fill in the blanks over the next weeks as we reflect then shift or consume the 'meatballs'

God is exciting but His paths, whilst ALWAYS known by Him, sometimes look a bit too challenging to me. BUT I am not looking to stagnate but