Monday, 17 August 2015

Who knows?

Eric Johnson once said  that we shouldn't think of our christian walk as being in periods of transition because, as God's children, we are ALWAYS to expect to be in transition. 
2 Corinthians 3:18 (here in the Amplified Version) confirms it.
'And we all...are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever-increasing splendour and from one degree of glory to another, which comes from the Lord' (italics mine)

Spiritually, I am constantly changing; just as I do physically. We all do.

This cute picture of an endearing but slightly grimy-looking Diana Spencer as a toddler, gives no hint of the aristocratic family into which she was born nor of the exquisitely beautiful Diana, Princess of Wales, that she was to become some 18 years later and whose life, despite its difficult times, changed others' lives and made better days for so many.
This change didn't happen overnight but little by little, through natural processes and through various choices and circumstances.

Our transformation throughout life may be subtle but if we are purposeful about it, it will happen inevitably. That word, 'transfigured' communicates the sense of change that happened when Jesus was transfigured after His resurrection - SUCH a change that it lit up all around Him. He glowed. 
Sometimes we may not feel like we are changing. Indeed our circumstances may be so difficult or frankly, mind-numbingly tedious at times as to make us wonder what the point of our just-lived day might actually have been. We all have days when it is enough to be grateful we have  from survived from one end of the day to the other (At least, I hope I am not the only one!) but in our journey of following Jesus, forwards is always the way to face, aim and walk!

I watched this video a while back and am reminded of it again now. Take a moment to watch it before you read on.
Good wasn't it?
I was so struck by the way that the artist paints invisibly with the water and then by the simple addition of ink, a picture is formed and all the abstract motion of the colourless brush make sense. Paper comes to life!

It put me in mind of our own recent 'hard' times and how things have happened that seem absolutely purposeless; a waste of time and my life and very frustrating in their apparent lack of direction. But I realised that some of these periods of life are simply God 'painting with water'. He is laying foundations and preparing me to receive the 'ink' of His portrait for my life. So during those times, I can be confident they are not redundant or unprofitable. Indeed, if I do nothing else, I can learn the lessons that David did whilst he was fleeing the murderous King Saul in the desert and 'strengthen myself in the Lord'. That alone will be a great personal benefit. 

I even tried my own ink and water drip - not a great work of art but not bad for a first attempt
(I think the picture will enlarge if you click on it and you may see how, in places, the ink has separated into its component colours to make things even more interesting! God is SO creative.)

But at the same time as I wait to see God's plan pan out, I can look through the misty veil of uncertainty with an expectant heart, knowing that my God, my Father, never sleeps nor forgets me.

He hasn't loved, grown and gifted me just to leave me languishing without purpose throughout life. So, if this day seems hardly to have had a point, I choose to believe that things have moved on part of a degree; I can choose to take an action that makes that evident; I can even just choose to sink onto my bed and let the love of my Daddy wash over me. Whichever it is, it brings a smile to His face because He knows the way ahead. I can also know that there will definitely be days when I shine for Him, sometimes even when I don't feel shiney but I am making the right choices and His glory shines through me...after all, we are not called to 'Arise and reflect' but to 'Arise and shine'!

I think the idea is supported in this exciting statement from Alan Scott of Causeway Coast Vineyard:
'Believers aren't called to live up to a STANDARD. We are called to live out a STORY. Instead of PERFORMING for God, we get to CREATE with God.'
I love it!

So! If all I or you do today is to stand in front of a mirror and say, confidently, just because it is true... 

'I am constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever-increasing splendour and from one degree of glory to another, which comes from the Lord',

...we will be declaring the release of that truth over myself and partnering with my Dad to change His world through mine.

And finally, as an encouragement...

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