Sunday, 4 January 2015

It's time!

Now for the answer to the third question - the one I have most been dreading! (referring to my post of December 30th)

What habitual time waster will you eliminate?!'

Now the joker in me wants to say, 'My hubby' but that wouldn't be anywhere near the truth - not today anyway.
But why, I hear you ask, have I been dreading this question? 
Well...because I know my answer will work but it will be hard since I am easily ill-disciplined. HOWEVER, the benefits reaped will be great and I will list them at the end so that I will motivate myself.

Time Waster 1:  My computer and in particular reading my emails and posts on Facebook

Elimination Solution: I will check my emails only twice a day - first thing in the morning because I have my Bible in One Year come in there and to make sure there is nothing urgent come in overnight; and in the evening - before 10pm - so that I can sleep at night without wondering. I would like to get that down to just once a day but I don't know if that is realistic at the moment. 
Facebook really doesn't need to be checked throughout the day so I will commit to visit it just once a day in the early evening or whilst I am blogging.

Time Waster 2: Reading online newspaper...and I am going to shame myself and admit it is the DailyMail!!! - I like lots of pictures...however, I spend a stupid amount of time reading all sorts of rubbish on it. I can sit down and intend to have a quick 5 minute check of the headlines and still be there an hour later! (Confession is good for the soul but can make you feel like such a moron!!)

Elimination Solution: SO it is going completely! I am not going to click on that dreaded page. To get news I will either watch it on TV, listen to the radio or look at the BBCNews.

Time Waster 3: DoodleJump on my phone. 

Oh my gosh - this innocuous little game! With my old phone, I couldn't get this little app and could only play occasionally on Hub's phone. But I got a new phone before Christmas and one of the first things I did was 'see if I could get DoodleJump'. BIG mistake! Huge! So it beckoned me every time I opened the cover. Sometimes I could resist. Sometimes, I would opt for a 'quick' game. Whilst I was never on for an hour or even half an hour, it was still time wasted but as is the subtle way with these 'little' things, it ate away some of my precious time two or three times a day. Time that could never be redeemed. Time that did nothing to better my world. Time that could make a good difference somewhere else. but of course, there was a 'best score' to beat with 'just one more try'  Time wasted. 

Repeat comment above about confession/moron and maybe add 'hypocrite' since I am mainly beyond understanding of how Candy Crush takes so much of folks' time!! *embarrassed eyebrow-raise*

Elimination Solution: I am not even going to indulge myself with recording my top score on DoodleJump but I have just got Gorgeous Daughter to uninstall that thing from my phone (I couldn't even suss out how to do it!) I am not going to play it again! Finito!

SO!! How much time do I reckon I will save each day? 

Difficult to say but I am going to suggest between 2 and 3 hours!

I KNOW!!! 

I can hardly believe it myself and if it is true, I feel shame!! but time adds up and those five minute 'Justs' accumulate. 
BUT, what will the benefits be? Here are a few to start me off and help motivate me.
  • Books I have, begging to be read, will be read.
  • Walks I keep intending to take will help fitten me up and smooth my outline!
  • Me and God will get some quality time together.
  • I will experience less frustration that tasks aren't getting done - because I will do ! The house will benefit from this also.

SO, my friends, please do feel free to check up or challenge me.

I'll let you know how I am getting on in about a month - I have set a reminder on my phone!

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