Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Make it so!

This has been a revealing and challenging week 

There is a time to let things happen and a time to make things happen
Hugh Prather

This quote summarises my feelings about life just now.

For our monthly book read-and-review at North Kent Community Church ESSL we had to read 'The Ultimate Treasure Hunt' by Kevin Dedmon. I been on 'Treasure Hunts before and have to admit to having been rather half-hearted about them. BUT having read the book and being clearer about all that God can do and my part in it, I have felt more confident and expectant going out into the community and seeking out God's treasures - people out there whose lives God wants to touch and bring blessing or healing to them. There is actually a video online that shows some people being healed by the prayers of His hunters. It may well sound like a strange activity to you but when you actually experience some peoples' reactions to the impact on their lives of hearing that God knows and loves them, it is amazing. Yes, there are some folk who look at you as if you are a bit of a weirdo, but as I always point out after - 'I am still alive - it didn't kill me!' Today, there are people out there who have heard, maybe for the first time, that God loves them. 

I was only the mouth and body. Holy Spirit does the rest
This week, I had on my list, 'French'. Nothing of a french nature crossed my path in any way. However, as I drove home up the M25/M40 on Friday night, I was passed by a 'Patisserie Valerie' van and remembered that there was that very stand at the upcoming services at Beaconsfield. SO I wondered...'Has God got someone there who needs His compassion?' After a brief mind-tussle with myself, I pulled in and headed to the cafe, ordering a coffee from the guy there whilst I mustered my courage. 
'Excuse me,' I ventured. 'I hope you don't mind me asking but are you alright?'
This immediately drew a very quizzical look. 'Yesssss,' he replied.
I explained the treasure hunt briefly; told him I thought he was God's treasure and wondered if there was anything I could pray for him?
There wasn't!!

I felt a somewhat thrown and a bit of an idiot. Having been so convinced that I should be there, how come I wasn't going to see him undergo some amazing life-transformation and tearful call out to God right before my very eyes? Hmmmm!
'Well, do you know,' I replied. 'I really don't think it was an accident that I came here today. I believe God wanted you to know that He loves you and that you are on His mind so don't be surprised if some little something happens from time to time to make you think about that.'
He raised his eyebrows at me and waited.
'OK, thanks then,' I smiled and went to sit down.
As soon as I could make a reasonably-timed departure without looking like I was making a dash from prison, I exited gracefully stage right. 
'Well what was THAT about, Lord?'
I don't THINK I heard Him laugh!

Then at the weekend, I heard hubs preach on the Wedding at Cana from John 2. It's a well-known story but do read it if you are not familiar with this event. It includes Jesus' instruction for servants to fill six stone water jars to the brim with water after the wine runs out at a wedding Jesus is attending.

As I listened to the familiar scripture read out, I heard, and didn't remember registering this ever before, that Jesus told the servants, 'Now, draw some WATER out [capitals mine] and take it to the master...'
Jesus told them to draw water - WATER!!! but when the master tasted it, it had turned to the finest wine - and not just a few bottles worth but, according to hubs, who loves maths and worked it out, several hundred bottles worth!!! 
I was struck by the fact that the servants had to carry out the seemingly ridiculous instructions to take water to the master but somewhere ON THE WAY, it was changed into wonderful wine and transformed the end of the wedding.
That is certainly a challenge to consider. 

Can I willingly carry out what God asks of me, even though it seems madness? Even though I may not know the outcome immediately - because let's not forget, there were probably a little group of servants sniggering in the kitchen, waiting for their co-worker to return. Knowing nothing about the new wine, they anticipate the Master's cries of outrage when he is presented with a cup of water and predict their chum returning with a kicked behind at least!!!  Can I? I know what I want the answer to be.
In considering it, I can only wonder what has happened to that young french server since we spoke. I may never know. But God knows and He had His purposes for that encounter.

My answer?

'For the righteous man falls seven times and rises again
Proverbs 24:16

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